I love having a way to display the boys' artwork in their rooms and for a while we have been using a length of twine and clothes pins to hold the masterpieces. They were due for an upgrade and I was trying to find a way to add pops of color to their rooms to give them more personality. Thanks to Pinterest an idea was sparked to use old shutters as an organized display.
I found the shutters at the Habitiat for Humanity ReStore in the area for $3.25 each (Do a Google search to find one in your area, you can find some amazing items there, and help support a great cause.), we gave the boys free reign in the spray paint aisle at Home Depot to pick whatever color they wanted, and we used S hooks and small binder clips to hold the art.
Below is the work in progress and finshed products:
Shutters - Before getting sanded down |
After a coat of paint - Kaleb opted for bright blue, Julian opted for bright yellow |
No picture hangers? Just use the tabs off of soda cans! |
"S" hook and binder clip |
Finished product before artwork is added. |
Finished product with artwork.
This was a very easy project to complete with the boys, and really was quite inexpensive. Here's to many more projects to brighten up our home and hopefully inspiration to tackle a project or two of your own.
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