One of my very favorties, Red Tulips. |
Ok, call me a liar, I know that it really seems to be more summer like right now than spring. After all it has been 90 degrees the last two days. But with a few nice rainshowers and this lovely weather my flowers are starting to bloom like crazy. (Even the ever popular "Dandy Flowers" as Kaleb calls them are in bloom, but we are keeping those picked because they are apparently mommy's favorites!)
Everyday we have something new blooming, I can't wait to get out to
The Henrys' Plant Farm and get some of my empty flower pots filled. Be on the lookout for the in process and finished pictures of our lovely creations. By the way, if you live around here you should take the kids out to Henry's. They not only have beautiful flower gardens to walk through and beautiful flowers to buy, but they also have all kinds of farms animals for the kids to check out.
One of my MANY bouquets of "Dandy Flowers". |
Tulips, Iris, Daffodils and Lilies |
Blue and Purple Windflowers |
Azalea bush full of blooms. |
Here's wishing you a spring (or summer!) that is just as delightful to the soul as it is to the eyes.